The Academy of Performance and Arts Geraldine

Recently I have had the privileged of doing business with The Academy of Performance and Arts in Geraldine, being the tuner for Adele Coombs, piano teacher and music Director of the Academy, Adele came to me with a problem. The academy needed a better piano, a working piano, a piano that could stand up to performance in the hall and a budget for the piano.

After choosing a piano to work on, I discovered the piano needed totally re gluing. so I had to choose weather to scrap the piano or do something with it. so I decided to go with it. the piano also needed cosmetic work and since the piano was conveniently  in pieces I phoned Adele and said what color? so quick as lightning she replied Red!

Red it was, hot lips red to be specific! 

Below Jill Roberts founder and Adele Coombs with my elf demonstrating the piano